I built a 3D model viewer

I'm coding a 3d model viewer for my blog. The goal is to display a model with simple camera controls, look at shading passes, and not be GPU intensive. So I can avoid big platform like sketchfab and customise what I want.

It's a <canvas> html element and a javascript script, based on three.js. Simple!

I aim for a balance between a nice set of options and a simple setup. So for now, there are options for the sun, ambient light, background, camera settings, aspect ratio, default shading pass, and that's it. Here it is in action:

try to move the camera around

It's possible to have several independant viewers on the same page:

try a different shading pass to better understand the rendering


Next steps

I'd like to keep this viewer simple. Still, how about more features :p

Custom Shaders

I often create custom shaders to fit the needs of a project. When I display a prop with a standard PBR material, it's not the same as ingame. I would love to use this viewer to show and explain these shaders, in articles breaking down the rendering and pipeline of, say Caravan SandWitch (I get asked this a lot :D)

To properly explain a shader, I may need more buttons. I want to keep a simple UX, so I'm still thinking about this. Would I give sliders to play with shader variables? It's tempting, and defintely fun to play with them in editor. hmmmm...

example taken from my dioramas project


Lighting makes or breaks a 3d scene. I want to be able to add more lights than just one directional. A 3 point lighting, for example, could be cool. GI is also in my head, but I don't dare thinking about realtime GI. So, a baked lightmap? But I want to give the freedom to rotate the lighting! hmmmm...

1 rect light + 3 spotlights. And SSAO. Overkill? Maybe.


I don't know much about 3d animation, so it's a big task. Still, it's nice to see the model move. It could be an opportunity to show the rig & vertex weights. And it would simply play a single anim on loop, like an idle. hmmmm...

How frogs blink? We asked ourselves deep questions for Caravan SandWitch.


I love to have this new media available on my site. Now I want to add 3d viewers everywhere! Interactivity is dope.

It took a week to develop, while I clearly had other more pressant things to do. Still, I think it was worth it (productive procastination ftw). One of my 2025 goals is to leave the hold of private platforms and nourish my personal place: this website <3. Sharing the development of the tool was a motivation and it attracted some interest, so it's a win.

I can see this tool going to a state that would be usable for other 3d artists. I'd love to open source it. For now, you can already inspect this webpage and extract the code ;)

See you later for more personal website excitements!